- 18 and Life on Skid Row - Bach Sebastian (2016)
- 1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die - Peter Boxall (2006)
- 1001 Discos Que Hay Que Escuchar Antes de Morir (2005)
- 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die - Steven Schneider (2003)
- 1001 Songs You Must Hear Before You Die - Robert Dimery (2010)
- A History of Heavy Metal - Andrew O’Neill (2018)
- A Probe into the Realities That Are Hiding Inside The Greatest Country in the World - Taylor Corey (2017)
- Access All Areas Stories from a Hard Rock Life - Ian Scott (2017)
- AC/DC FAQ All That’s Left to Know About the World’s True Rock ’n’ Roll Band - Susan Masino (2015)
- AC/DC High Voltage Rock N' Roll The Ultimate Illustrated History (2010)
- AC/DC in the Studio. The Stories Behind Every Album - Jake Brown (2013)
- AC/DC: Maximum Rock Roll The Ultimate Story of the Worlds Greatest Rock-and-Roll Band - Murray Engleheart, Arnaud Durieux (2008)
- AC/DC The Encyclopaedia - Malcolm Dome, Jerry Ewing (2008)
- Acid for the Children A Memoir - Flea, Patti Smith (2019)
- Adrenalized Life, Def Leppard, and Beyond - Collen, Phil (2014)
- Advanced Modern Rock Guitar Improvisation - Jon Finn
- Alice Cooper welcome to my nightmare - Cooper, Alice & Thompson, Dave (2012)
- Alice in Chains The untold story - de Sola, David (2015)
- All the madmen. Barrett, Bowie, Drake, Pink Floyd, The Kinks, The Who a Journey to the dark side of English Rock - Clinton Heylin (2012)
- All The Songs The Story Behind Every Beatles Release - Philippe Margotin, Jean-Michel Guesdon, Patti Smith, Scott Freiman (2013)
- Bang Your Head The Rise and Fall of Heavy Metal - David Konow (2002)
- Becoming Jimi Hendrix - Steven Roby, Brad Schreiber (2010)
- Beer Drinkers and Hell Raisers The Rise of Motorhead - Popoff Martin (2017)
- Black Metal Evolution of the Cult - Dayal Patterson (2013)
- Black Sabbath and Philosophy Mastering Reality (The Blackwell Philosophy and Pop Culture Series) - Irwin, William (2012)
- Black Sabbath and the Rise of Heavy Metal Music - Andrew L. Cope (2010)
- Black Sabbath FAQ all thats left to know on the first name in metal - Popoff, Martin (2011)
- Black Sabbath Symptom of the universe - Wall, Mick (1992)
- Black Tooth Grin The High Life, Good Times, and Tragic End of Dimebag Darrell Abbott - Zac Crain (2009)
- Bob Dylan All the Songs The Story Behind Every Track - Margotin Philippe, Guesdon Jean-Michel (2015)
- Bob Dylan - Canciones
- Bon Jovi Americas Ultimate Band - Olson Margaret (2013)
- Bon Jovi Encyclopaedia - Neil Daniels (2009)
- Bon Jovi When We Were Beautiful - Bon Jovi (2010)
- Bon the last highway the untold story of Bon Scott and AC/DCs Back in black - Fink, Jesse; Scott, Bon (2017)
- Bringing Metal to the Children The Complete Berserkers Guide to World Tour Domination - Wylde Zakk, Hendrikx Eric (2012)
- Builidng Rock Bass Lines - Ed Friedland
- Cadáveres Bien Parecidos - Jordi Sierra i Fabra (1999)
- Caught in a Mosh The Golden Era of Thrash - Martin Popoff (2017)
- Choosing Death The Improbable History of Death Metal and Grindcore - Albert Mudrian, John Peel (2004)
- Classical Antiquity In Heavy Metal Music - Fletcher & Umurhan (2019)
- Classical Riffs For Rock Guitar - Wolf Marshall
- Cobain on Cobain Interviews and encounters - Cobain, Kurt Soulsby, Nick (2016)
- Come As You Are The Story of Nirvana - Michael Azerrad (1993)
- Commando The Autobiography of Johnny Ramone - Ramone Johnny (2012)
- Contents Under Pressure 30 Years of Rush at Home and Away - Martin Popoff (2004)
- Damage Incorporated Metallica and the Production of Musical Identity - Glenn Pillsbury (2006)
- Dancing With Myself - Idol Billy (2014)
- Dark Days A Memoir - Blythe D. Randall (2015)
- Death Metal and music criticism Analysis at the limits - Michelle Phillipov (2012)
- Death Metal Music The Passion and Politics of a Subculture - Natalie J. Purcell (2003)
- Def Leppard - The definitive visual history - Halfin, Ross Elliott, Joe (2011)
- Dentro de Pink Floyd - Nick Mason (2004)
- Detroit Rock City The Uncensored History of Rock n Roll in Americas Loudest City - Steve Miller (2013)
- Disco, Punk, New Wave, Heavy Metal, and More - Ray, Michael (2012)
- Does the Noise in My Head Bother You A Rock n Roll Memoir - Steven Tyler (2004)
- Eddie Trunk's Essential Hard Rock and Heavy Metal - Eddie Trunk (2011)
- El sonido de la bestia (Extracto) - Ian Christie (2005)
- Electric Guitar For Beginners, How To Play Heavy Metal - Adrian Gavinson (2018)
- Encyclopedia of Heavy Metal Music - William Phillips, Brian A. Cogan (2009)
- Eric Clapton The Autobiography - Eric Clapton (2007)
- Everybody Wants Some The Van Halen Saga - Ian Christe (2007)
- Extreme Metal Music and Culture on the Edge - Keith Kahn-Harris (2006)
- Face the Music A Life Exposed - Paul Stanley (2014)
- Fargo Rock City A Heavy Metal Odyssey in Rural North Dakota - Klosterman Chuck (2001)
- Five Against One The Pearl Jam Story - Kim Neely (1997)
- Foo Fighters learning to fly - Grohl, David & Wall, Mick (2017)
- For the Sake of Heaviness The History of Metal Blade Records - Brian Slagel Mark Eglinton (2017)
- Freddie Mercury The Definitive Biography The Definitive Biography - Mercury, Freddie & Jones, Lesley-Ann (1997)
- Golf Monster - Cooper, Alice (2007)
- Grunge Is Dead The Oral History of Seattle Rock Music - Greg Prato (2009)
- Guitar School With John Frusciante
- Guns N' Roses Encyclopaedia - Mick OShea (2008)
- Guns N' Roses The Band That Time Forgot The Complete Unauthorised Biography - Paul Stenning (2004)
- Hammer of the Gods - Steven Davis (1985)
- Haz Lo Que Quieras - Bad Religion & Jim Ruland (2021)
- Headbanging against repressive regimes. Censorship of heavy metal in the Middle East, North Africa, Southeast Asia and China - LeVine, Mark (2009)
- Heavier Than Heaven A Biography of Kurt Cobain - Charles R. Cross (2001)
- Heavy Duty - K.K. Downing (2018)
- Heavy metal Africa life, passion and heavy metal in the forgotten continent - Banchs, Edward (2016)
- Heavy Metal Fun Time Activity Book - Aye Jay (2007)
- Heavy Metal Islam Rock, Resistance, and the Struggle for the Soul of Islam - Mark LeVine (2008)
- Heavy Metal Lead Guitar 1 - Troy Stetina
- Heavy Metal Movies Uncorrected Page Samples - Mike McPadden (2014)
- Heavy Metal Music in Britain (Ashgate Popular and Folk Music Series) - Gerd Bayer (2016)
- Heavy Metal Music (1982)
- Heavy Metal The Music and Its Culture - Deena Weinstein (2000)
- Heavy Metal Rythm Guitar - Rob Thorpe (2015)
- Heavy Metal Youth Identities_ Researching The Musical Empowerment - Paula Rowe (2018)
- Hell Bent for Leather Confessions of a Heavy Metal Addict - Seb Hunter (2001)
- Hendrix the illustrated story - Gaar, Gillian G.Hendrix, Jimi Hunter, Dave Kubernik, Harvey Salewicz, Chris Uhelszki, Jaan (2017)
- High Voltage The Life of Angus Young - Jeff Apter (2017)
- Historia del Rock - Diario El País
- Hit the Lights The Birth of Thrash - Martin Popoff (2017)
- How to Be a Man (and other illusions) - McKagan Duff (2015)
- I'm the Man The Story of That Guy from Anthrax - Ian Scott (2014)
- I Am Ozzy - Ozzy Osbourne, Chris Ayres (2010)
- I found my friends the oral history of Nirvana - Soulsby, Nick (2015)
- Iggy Pop Open Up and Bleed - Paul Trynka (2007)
- Into the Black The Inside Story of Metallica (1991-2014) Volume 2 Biography - Brannigan & Winwood (2014)
- Introducción al Metal Extremo - Salva Rubio (2013)
- Iron Maiden 30 Years of the Beast The Complete Unauthorised Biography - Paul Stenning (2006)
- Iron Maiden 80 81 - Prato, Greg (2015)
- Iron Maiden Album by Album - Martin Popoff (2018)
- Iron Maiden Running Free - Gary Bushell & Ross Halfin (1985)
- Iron Man My Journey through Heaven and Hell with Black Sabbath - Tony Iommi (2011)
- It's So Easy And Other Lies - Duff McKagan (2011)
- Jim Morrison Life, Death, Legend - Stephen Davis (2001)
- Jimi Hendrix The Man, the Magic, the Truth - Sharon Lawrence (2001)
- Jimmy Page The Definitive Biography - Chris Salewicz (2018)
- John Lennon The Life - Philip Norman (2008)
- John Petrucci Rock Discipline
- Jon Bon Jovi How a Kid from New Jersey Became a Rock 'N' Roll Legend (2022)
- Judas Priest Heavy Metal Painkillers (2007)
- Kicking Dreaming A Story of Heart, Soul, and Rock Roll - Ann Wilson, Nancy Wilson, Charles R. Cross (2013)
- Kiss and Make-Up - Gene Simmons (2001)
- Kiss Behind the Mask - Official Authorized Biography - David Leaf Ken Sharp (2001)
- Kurt Cobain - Diarios (2002)
- Kurt Cobain - El Ángel Errático (2005)
- Las mejores anécdotas del Rock & Roll - Javier Broco El Pirata (2015)
- Last of the Giants the true story of Guns n’ Roses - Wall, Mick (2016)
- Led Zeppelin All the Albums, All the Songs - Martin Popoff (2017)
- Led Zeppelin on Led Zeppelin Interviews and Encounters - Bordowitz, Hank (2017)
- Led Zeppelin The Origin of the Species How, Why, and Where It All Began - Alan Clayson (2006)
- Leppard Tracks Misty Dreamers, 1977–2008 - Gill, Julian (2008)
- Let There Be Rock The Story of AC/DC (Updated Edition) - Susan Masino (2006)
- Life - Keith Richards (2010)
- Live Wire. Bon Scott a memoir by three of the people who knew him best - DArcy, Gabby; Darcy, John & Renshaw, Mary (2015)
- Living like a runaway a memoir - Ford, Lita (2014)
- Lobotomy. Surviving the Ramones - Cafiero, John; Kofman, Veronica; Ramone, Dee Dee (2016)
- Lords of Chaos The Bloody Rise of the Satanic Metal Underground - Moynihan & Søderlind (1998)
- Los Trapos Sucios - La Autobiografía de Mötley Crüe (2013)
- Louder Than Hell The Definitive Oral History of Metal - Jon Wiederhorn, Katherine Turman (2013)
- Makeup to Breakup My Life In and Out of Kiss - Peter Criss, Larry Sloman (2012)
- Malcolm Young The man who made ACDC - Jeff Apter (2019)
- Marilyn Manson - La Larga Huida Del Infierno (1998)
- Masters Of Rock Guitar - Peter Fischer (2000)
- Mean Deviation Four Decades of Progressive Heavy Metal - Wagner, Jeff (2010)
- Metal Extremo 30 Años de Oscuridad (1981-2011)
- Metal on Ice Tales from Canada's Hard Rock and Heavy Metal Heroes - Sean Kelly (2013)
- Metalheads Heavy Metal Music And Adolescent Alienation - Jeffrey Arnett (1996)
- Metallica and Philosophy A Crash Course in Brain Surgery (The Blackwell Philosophy and Pop Culture Series) - William Irwin (2010)
- Metallica Enter Night - Wall Mick (2010)
- Metallica - The Art Of James Hetfield (1999)
- Metallica - The Complete Illustrated History, Martin Popoff (2013)
- Metallica This Monster Lives The Inside Story of Some Kind of Monster - Joe Berlinger, Greg Milner (2004)
- Metallica - Updated Edition The Complete Illustrated History - Martin Popoff (2013)
- Mick Jagger - Philip Norman (2012)
- Ministry The Lost Gospels According to Al Jourgensen - Al Jourgensen (2013)
- Monster of Rock Dioses, Mitos Y Otros Héroes Del Heavy - Benjamín Estacio (2008)
- Mosh Potatoes - Steve Seabury (2010)
- Motley Crue a Visual History 1983-1990 - Sixx, Nikki & Zlozower, Neil (2012)
- Mr. Mojo A Biography of Jim Morrison - Dylan Jones (2015)
- Mustaine - Memorias Del Heavy Metal (2011)
- My Appetite for Destruction Sex, and Drugs, and Guns N Roses - Steven Adler (2010) - PDF
- My Bloody Roots From Sepultura to Soulfly and beyond The Autobiography - Cavalera, Max McIver, Joel (2013)
- My Life with Deth Discovering Meaning in a Life of Rock Roll - Ellefson David (2013)
- Nacer, Crecer, Metallica, Morir (2013)
- Nerd Girl Rocks Paradise City A True Story of Faking It in Hair Metal LA - Soffee Anne Thomas (2005)
- Never Enough The Story of the Cure - Jeff Apter (2005)
- Nirvana A Tour Diary My Life on the Road with One of the Greatest Bands of All Time - Andy Bollen (2013)
- Nirvana The Biography - True Everett (2007)
- Nirvana the complete illustrated history - Cross, Charles R (2013)
- Nirvana The lyrics (2021)
- No Regrets - Ace Frehley, Joe Layden, John Ostrosky (2011)
- Nöthin But a Good Time. The Uncensored History of 80's Hard Rock Explosion - Tom Beaujour (2021)
- Official Truth, 101 Proof The Inside Story of Pantera - Rex Brown (2013)
- Once Upon A Nightwish - Mape Ollila (2006)
- Paul McCartney the life - Norman, Philip (2017)
- Pearl Jam Eddie Vedder None Too Fragile - Martin Clarke (1998)
- Perdida en los 80 - Pedro Gardner (2014)
- Pigs Might Fly The Inside Story of Pink Floyd - Mark Blake (2007)
- Please Kill Me The Uncensored Oral History of Punk - Gillian McCain, Legs McNeil (1996)
- Precious Metal Decibel Presents the Stories Behind 25 Extreme Metal Masterpieces - Albert Mudrian (2009)
- Punk Rock Blitzkrieg My Life As a Ramone - Ramone Marky (2015)
- Queen Unseen My Life with the Greatest Rock Band of the 20th Century - Hince Peter (2011)
- Ramones - Ramones 33 1/3 (2005)
- Raising Hell Backstage Tales from the Lives of Metal Legends - Jon Wiederhorn (2020)
- Realistic Rock Drum Method - Carmine Appice (2001)
- Reckless Road Guns N' Roses and the Making of Appetite for Destruction - Marc Canter, Jason Porath, Vook (2008)
- Red - Sammy Hagar (2012)
- Rob Halford Confess The Autobiography (2020)
- Rocks My Life In And Out Of Aerosmith - Joe Perry (2014)
- Room Full of Mirrors A Biography of Jimi Hendrix - Charles R. Cross (2005)
- Running with the Devil Power, Gender, and Madness in Heavy Metal Music - Robert Walser, Harris M. Berger (2014)
- Rush An Illustrated History - Popoff Martin (2016)
- Rust in Peace - Dave Mustaine (2020)
- Sail Away Whitesnakes Fantastic Voyage - Popoff Martin (2015)
- Scar Tissue - Anthony Kiedis, Larry Sloman (2004)
- Seven Deadly Sins Settling the Argument Between Born Bad and Damaged Good - Corey Taylor (2011)
- Sex Money Kiss - Gene Simmons (2003)
- Sex, Drugs, Ratt & Roll My Life in Rock - Stephen Pearcy, Sam Benjamin (2014)
- Shout The Beatles in Their Generation (Revised and Updated) - Norman Philip (2005)
- Shut Up and Give Me the Mic - Snider Dee (2012)
- Slash - Slash, Anthony Bozza (2007)
- Slayer 66 2/3 The Jeff Dave Years A Metal Band Biography - Ferris D X (2013)
- Slipknot Unmasked - Joel McIver (2001)
- Smoke on the Water The Deep Purple Story - Dave Thompson (2004)
- Smokin Valves A Headbangers Guide to 900 NWOBHM Records - Martin Popoff (2019)
- Snakes Guillotines Electric chairs my adventures in the Alice Cooper group - Dunaway, Dennis; Hodenfield, Chris (2015)
- Sound of the Beast The Complete Headbanging History of Heavy Metal - Ian Christe (2003)
- Speed And Thrash Metal Guitar Method - Stetina & Burton
- Spinetta - Los libros de la buena memoria
- Starman David Bowie. The Definitive Biography - Paul Trynka (2010)
- Swedish Death Metal - Daniel Ekeroth (2006)
- Tattoos Tequila- To Hell and Back with One of Rocks Most Notorious Frontmen - Neil Vince (2010)
- The Autobiography of Deep Purple's Singer - Gillan Ian, Cohen David (1998)
- The Book Of Hair Metal - Martin Popoff (2014)
- The Complete History of Black Sabbath - Joel McIver (2016)
- The Dark Side of the Moon The Making of the Pink Floyd Masterpiece - Harris John (1992)
- The Dirt Confessions of the Worlds Most Notorious Rock Band - Tommy Lee, Vince Neil, Mick Mars, Nikki Sixx, Neil Strauss (2001)
- The Encyclopaedia Metallica - Malcolm Dome, Jerry Ewing (2007)
- The Heroin Diaries A Year in the Life of a Shattered Rock Star - Nikki Sixx (2007)
- The History Of Heavy Metal Music & The Metal Subculture
- The Sacred And The Profane Behemoth And Beyond - Darski Adam Nergal, Eglinton Mark (2015)
- The Top 500 Heavy Metal Albums of All Time - Martin Popoff (2004)
- The True Adventures of the Rolling Stones - Stanley Booth (1984)
- The ultimate Metallica - Halfin, Ross Ulrich, Lars; Hammett, Kirk (2010)
- The Youngs The Brothers Who Built AC/DC - Fink Jesse (2013)
- This Is Gonna Hurt Music, Photography and Life Through the Distorted Lens of Nikki Sixx - Nikki Sixx (2011)
- To Live Is to Die The Life and Death of Metallicas Cliff Burton - McIver Joel (2009)
- Tommyland - Tommy Lee (2005)
- Tornado of Souls Thrashs Titanic Clash - Martin Popoff (2017)
- Total Fcking Godhead The Biography of Chris Cornell - Corbin Reiff (2020)
- Trampled under foot the power and excess of Led Zeppelin An oral biography of the world’s mightiest rock ’n’ roll band - Barney Hoskyns (2012)
- True Norwegian Black Metal - Peter Beste (Photo Book) (2008)
- Trust Me, I'm Dr. Ozzy Advice from Rocks Ultimate Survivor - Ozzy Osbourne, Chris Ayres (2011)
- Ukulele Songbook Heavy Metal Hits For Ukelele - Adrian Gavinson (2018)
- V8 Un Sentimiento - Ana Mourin
- Van Halen Rising How a Southern California Backyard Party Band Saved Heavy Metal - Greg Renoff (2015)
- Voodoo Child The Illustrated Legend of Jimi Hendrix - Martin I. Green (1995)
- Walk This Way The Autobiography of Aerosmith - Aerosmith, Stephen Davis (1997)
- What Does This Button Do. An Autobiography Iron Maiden and Other Extraordinary Rides of My Life - Dickinson Bruce (2017)
- When the Uncertainty Principle Goes to 11 Or How to Explain Quantum Physics with Heavy Metal - Philip Moriarty (2018)
- White Line Fever Lemmy The Autobiography - Lemmy Kilmister (2002)
- You're Making Me Hate You A Cantankerous Look at the Common Misconception that Humans Have any Common Sense Left - Taylor Corey (2016)
sábado, 27 de junio de 2020
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