sábado, 1 de junio de 2024

Olamot (Brutal Death Metal)


Empujoncito / Jog (English below)

Olamot es una banda de Symphonic Slam Brutal Death Metal originaria de Perugia, Italia establecida en el 2021 por Daniele Boccali y Edoardo Casini. La banda implementa elementos de Modern Metal, Brutal Death, Slam Brutal y partes sinfónicas. Olamot significa «Reinos» en hebreo. En mayo del 2021 publican de manera independiente su primer EP 'Realms'. Ya en 2024, y bajo el abrigo de Lethal Scissor Records, ve la luz 'Path of Divinity', 31 minutos cargados de brutalidad y agresión de principio a fin. Con una producción magnífica, cada instrumento se deja apreciar a la perfección, cambios de ritmo que te mantienen pegado a la vocina, guitarras pesadas, que pasan de la velocidad a densidad, solos cortantes como navajas, una batería machacante, un bajo que se deja oir, la voz de Matteo Vitelli dándolo todo y unas orquestaciones muy sofisticadas que acompañan sin restar poder a su sonido. Absolutamente arrollador, Brutal Death Metal moderno y sofisticado, totalmente recomendado.

Olamot is a Symphonic Slam Brutal Death Metal band originally from Perugia, Italy established in 2021 by Daniele Boccali and Edoardo Casini. The band implements elements of Modern Metal, Brutal Death, Slam Brutal and symphonic parts. Olamot means “Kingdoms” in Hebrew. In May 2021 they independently release their first EP 'Realms'. Already in 2024, and under the shelter of Lethal Scissor Records, sees the light 'Path of Divinity', 31 minutes full of brutality and aggression from beginning to end. With a magnificent production, each instrument is appreciated to perfection, rhythm changes that keep you glued to the speaker, heavy guitars, which go from speed to density, razor sharp solos, a crushing drums, a bass that can be heard, the voice of Matteo Vitelli giving everything and a very sophisticated orchestrations that accompany without detracting from the power of their sound. Absolutely overwhelming, modern and sophisticated Brutal Death Metal, totally recommended.

Line up (according to Metal Archives):

Edoardo Casini - Guitars

Daniele Boccali - Guitars

Mark Chandler - Bass

Mike Sevekh - Drums

Gabriele Gilodi - Orchestrations

Matteo Vitelli - Vocals

Instagram: /olamotband/

Facebook: Olamot

Deezer: Deezer

Spotify: Spotify

YouTube: YouTube

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